Sunday 7th June 2020


Whatever happened to Flaming June? It has rained every day for the last 5 days, heavily at times. Rain was needed though, it had been many weeks since any significant rain, the grass was turning brown and water shortages on the canals are just around the corner.

We sat on board in the morning, Brenda reading and myself on Family History. We managed a phone signal at mid-day and spoke with Tracey and the kids. Manny’s voice has well broken now, he reckons he has grown and is as tall as Tracey and we spoke of global currents affairs amongst other things. He sounds a nice young man. We miss them terribly and are looking forward to seeing them at the end of the week.

Matt’s ship has anchored off Singapore for stores and bunkers. The onsigning crew are isolating in hotels in Korea so, when Matt arrives there in the middle of the month, he should pay-off. The end of a long 7-month trip that should have only been for 14 weeks.

Once the rain stopped we walked up to Syke’s Hollow to see Sonia and Terry. The rest of the afternoon was taken up with preparation of Sunday dinner, sitting in the front cratch beforehand.

Danny and Jemima were on board for a while in the evening. I have, over the time we have been with them, shown Danny a lot of knotwork and he had made a decorative knot for us, we were quite touched.


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