Sunday 19th April 2020

Primrose Day and Brenda’s 60th birthday.

Brenda had boiled eggs and soldiers in bed, with Prosecco and Orange Juice on a tray, accompanied by a port glass of wild flowers I had picked while walking the dog. The only present I had to give her.

She had few cards and less presents but throughout the day she received phone calls, messages and video clips from lots of people which she greatly appreciated.

Lol and Jackie knocked about 10 o’clock with a card and a present. The four of us sat down in the afternoon, acknowledging social distancing, to a lovely barbeque we had put together. The first barbeque we had since last year. Jackie, bless her, had bought a cake in Nantwich for Brenda’s birthday into which she had put a candle.

The sun was hot but an intermittent breeze made it feel much colder. We all retired inside at 6pm.

While it was neither the birthday we had anticipated or planned for, there will be people in much worse situations than us and at least Brenda enjoyed her day.

On the plus side, we will rearrange our family meal, and we will visit India, giving Brenda at least a few more 60th birthdays.


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