Saturday 11th April 2020

Halsall passed by in the morning and we bought a gas bottle from them. The chandlery is a few pounds cheaper, but we like to spread our money around and support the fuel boats where we can. So, after just 3 day’s rest, although one was taken up loading the boat, Lee and Roberta are off on their rounds again.

Halsall setting off on her rounds

The centre fairleads had previously been removed and holes drilled and tapped for the new ones. However, before they can be fitted the handrail has to be painted where paint has been removed or worn off. We have always wanted to highlight detailing on the bow in red, the bow stem post, hatch hinges and handle, but had never really had the chance. So before painting the handrail, these were taped off, rubbed down and primed.

All the time we had spent sitting with Lol and Jackie, unbeknown to us, there was a Mallard sitting on her eggs not 4 feet from us, hidden in the grass. In the early afternoon we were treated to a special event. The duck emerged, followed by 10 ducklings, just balls of fluff. They each followed each other in line to the bank and plopped into the water, immediately swimming.

A rare sight and a privilege to witness. Unfortunately, left in the nest was a dead duckling and an unhatched egg.

However, within 5 minutes, two drakes appeared, harassing the mother and a goose attempting to eat the ducklings. Jackie had Lol and myself chasing off the drakes and scaring off the goose throughout the remainder of the day.

We sat outside again, enjoying the lovely warm sunshine until the chill suddenly descended, forcing us back inside.


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