Tuesday 8th January 2019

We woke later than usual and, once breakfast was over, we both started jobs on the boat and had busy days.

Washing was hung out and the bed changed. The bathroom had begun to smell of stale water so everything was emptied from the room and we checked for any leaks or water ingress. None could be found and we have put the smell down to the drains. We can’t really understand this though, as the drains are regularly cleaned.

The back door yale lock plate was refitted. It looks much better and the door now closes more positively and does not rattle when locked. It was an awkward job made worse due to bad eyesight. Eventually we worked out how to do it without having to remove the sliding hatch by laying flat on the gate-leg coffee table. Would have looked bloody funny to anybody passing but it worked.

The boat now, we feel, is much more secure. However, with three locks on there is going to have to be a bottle left on the back end. Sometimes after being out, it is all I can do to undo two locks to get to the toilet.

We are so glad we brought the gate-leg coffee table with us. It is the only piece of furniture we brought from the house and a link with a former lifestyle. It is a lovely piece of furniture anyway that we had for many years. But on the boat it is so versatile and has seen many uses.

The fuel boat “Callisto” came down the canal and we bought six bags of coal from him. It is a shame we didn’t know he was due this way otherwise we wouldn’t have filled with fuel in Market Bosworth. He reckons most people use between 1 and 1½ tons of coal throughout a winter. 40 to 50 25kg bags.

We had expected to see many boats passing today, with the stoppage coming into effect tomorrow. Either boats wanting to get onto the Ashby for winter, or off it. However, apart from Callisto, we saw only two boats and one of them came so close he passed all down the side of us with probably less than an inch to spare dragging our fenders. Prat.

We walked to the pub just off the canal but they wouldn’t allow the dog in. Stupid and it always annoys me. Their loss. There is another pub a bit further in the opposite direction but we just came back to the boat.

Weather: a fine pleasant day.


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