Thursday 22nd August 2019

We had a slow start to the day. I walked the dog to visit with people from the pub last night for the name of the polish they use on their boat. Auto Glym products I have not seen before. Their boat is 13 years old and the finish is still immaculate, due to this polish.

We had wanted to water below the bottom lock, but a boat had moored across both water points. Never mind, we can always water in Braunston.

We were covering round we had been over a number of times over the winter. Napton was actually the closing of a great big, 9 month, 653 miles circle. Napton passed behind us and the windmill was soon lost to view. There was nothing of any significance about the run to Braunston although it felt good to pass the mo0rings at Flecknoe. We spent time here in the in the winter and enjoyed the peace and solitude of the canal. Today the whole line of moorings were occupied with no room at all.


                                                                                      Napton Windmill                                                     

                                                                       Signpost at Napton Junction aka Wigrams Turn

Presently we began to see the spire of Braunston Church which can be seen for quite some distance on the canal in any direction. From Braunston Turn, we headed towards the marina, hoping for a mooring. We watered and did a wash at the water point beside the main road bridge and were lucky enough to find a mooring just before the Stop House.

Weather: a gorgeous hot day.

Day Total: 1 locks; 8 miles; 0 Tunnels; 0 Swing Bridges; 0 Lift Bridges; 0 Boat Lift; Day’s running hours 4.3

Overall Total: 705 locks; 1228 miles; 49 tunnels; 57 Swing Bridges; 11 Lift Bridges; 2 Boat Lifts; total engine running hours 775.1hrs


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